Manage Your Child’s Behavior Problems with Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) is a well-researched and highly effective behavioral therapy for young children (ages 2-8) with behavioral problems, such as noncompliance, opposition, defiance, and aggression. PCIT includes the child as well as the parents/guardians in treatment. The treatment is conducted in two phases. The first phase focuses on improving the parent-child interaction through various positive reinforcement techniques. The second phase of treatment teaches the parents/guardians specific skills to improve their child’s compliance and effectively and consistently manage behavioral difficulties. 

By learning specific techniques, caregivers can build a better relationship with their child, and the child may start to demonstrate improved behavior. Overall, PCIT can help improve family dynamics by working to reduce negative behavior and interactions within the family. PCIT skills equip caregivers with new ways of communicating that are encouraging and reassuring. When practiced consistently, these new skills and techniques can instill greater confidence in the child, reduce anger and aggression, and foster better interactions between the child and caregiver.

Goals for the First Phase of PCIT

  • Build close relationships between parents and their children using positive attention strategies
  • Help children feel safe and calm by fostering warmth and security between parents and their children
  • Increase children’s organizational and play skills
  • Decrease children’s frustration and anger
  • Enhance children’s self-esteem
  • Improve children’s social skills, such as sharing and cooperation
  • Teach parents how to communicate with young children who have limited attention span


Goals for the Second Phase of PCIT

  • Teach parents specific discipline techniques that help children to listen to instructions and follow directions
  • Decrease problematic child behaviors by teaching parents to be consistent and predictable 
  • Help parents develop confidence in managing their children’s behaviors at home and in public


If your child is exhibiting behavioral difficulties, such as breaking household rules, refusing to follow your requests or commands, throwing tantrums, or engaging in verbally or physically aggressive behaviors, then PCIT may be the right intervention for him/her. Please contact me for a free consultation to discuss treatment and availability.